Thursday, June 5, 2008

Rashaad's Views on "Sucess and Greatness" Rashaad’s Views on “Success and Greatness” 2/7/08In the interview of Cornell West, he pontificates about the difference between “Success and Greatness.” The American Dream was what everyone tried to succeed to. I believe that success would only help people now but break them down later. I remember when someone once said “There are two different types of roads: the cool road called the gang road or street road and the successful road called the happy road to life or the path to happiness.” This connects to “Success and Greatness” because young children today that say they want to have a mansion, a fly car and a lot of money are usually looking towards the cool road to be famous and successful. However they won’t be doing the things they want to do because they won’t have the greatness to do it. They will only be doing it just to be rich and famous. This can lead them to being in gangs and falling out of school. This is exactly what Cornell West wanted to prove when he said that “Success can poison your soul.” Cornell West was pontificating that if we only do things for the goods of it then it soon cause you to fall back and fail. If you do something with the greatness of your ability to do so then you can be more successful than you wanted to be. What I am really trying to say is that without greatness, success won’t be yours permanently.
by Rashaadurgestochangehistory

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