Thursday, June 5, 2008

Rashaad Austin January 30, 2008
"Indigenous Newarkers" are not just people living in a rainforest somewhere. They are real human beings.They can't be pushed over like we are nothing. That is just how the government is soon to do to us.They are soon to move us out to the streets. We will have to find new houses because of our home prices will rise and we will have to find something cheaper. i feel like this is not right. it is a savage act. We have to be treated as if we are people and not as a piece of trash. How do they expect their own people to grow if they keep on cutting them down by raising things out of their reach. I am a newark resident and I would not like to live a life like this because I am to young to handle it. You should put yourselves in our shoes. If you could see from our point of view, you would see that it is hard for us to live after you finish your plan to build fancy condo's and take down the homes people here right now. You are selfish to ruin the lives of the people who look just like you. It's like saying you hate your own kind. You can't do this. I believe that you should give out jobs that are high paying before you start to build up these nice and fancy condos that are notimportant.You talk about attracting other's here to Newark when you should be worried about. We are here now.You should have some cleaning programs where the streets get cleaned every day and garbage is taken out every night. This would make Newark look much better than just building up over the filthy loitering of people already here.Once you start to attract people here, they would just make Newark look worse than it already looks now. Your plan could backfire just like that. You would end up losing all of the people you want to attract.
I suggest that you plan out carefully of how you are going to stop the government but it won't be easy. just know that you have my opinion on the situation to back you up.
Rashaad's Views on "Sucess and Greatness" Rashaad’s Views on “Success and Greatness” 2/7/08In the interview of Cornell West, he pontificates about the difference between “Success and Greatness.” The American Dream was what everyone tried to succeed to. I believe that success would only help people now but break them down later. I remember when someone once said “There are two different types of roads: the cool road called the gang road or street road and the successful road called the happy road to life or the path to happiness.” This connects to “Success and Greatness” because young children today that say they want to have a mansion, a fly car and a lot of money are usually looking towards the cool road to be famous and successful. However they won’t be doing the things they want to do because they won’t have the greatness to do it. They will only be doing it just to be rich and famous. This can lead them to being in gangs and falling out of school. This is exactly what Cornell West wanted to prove when he said that “Success can poison your soul.” Cornell West was pontificating that if we only do things for the goods of it then it soon cause you to fall back and fail. If you do something with the greatness of your ability to do so then you can be more successful than you wanted to be. What I am really trying to say is that without greatness, success won’t be yours permanently.
by Rashaadurgestochangehistory

Editorial for Child Abuse

Rashaad Austin June 1, 2008
Editorial Imani
Child Abuse
Child abuse. It aches people to see or hear about a child being beat. For those who don’t know, child abuse is physically, sexually, and psychologically maltreatment of children. Everyday, a child is abused brutally usually at home. Their parents get so out of control that they hit the child causing their child to be desperately hurt or injured. It is a problem to have our future to be broken down because the present is hurting the future. I believe that we can have a solution to this and that solution is to help keep our young children secure from danger.
Almost about, 54% of children are neglected each year. To be neglected is harsh. It means that you are ignored and you are paid no attention to. It’s almost as if you’re a ghost. About, 22% of children are physically abused every day. They are being beat up physically in a way they shouldn’t experience. This is dangerous because children’s bodies aren’t fully grown and they can’t take that kind of maltreatment. Their too young and they can’t handle things like that.
About 8% of children are sexually abused everyday. Some people get carried away and they just have to target a young child to fulfill their desires for sex. That is why there are so many sex offenders in the streets. They have nothing better to do with their lives so they try and take on someone weaker than them. Also, many grown people pick the children who are interested in having sex because they are easier to take advantage of. 4% of children receive emotional maltreatment very day. Some parents are embarrassed of their past choices and they seek a way to make it better. Doing this takes away their time with their children. They get emotionally abused because their parents forget all about their children’s feelings and they don’t know about the things they say and do. There are many other types of maltreatment in the world. They occur to only 12% of children in the world. For example, children are broken down mentally. They are told things like “You can’t do it,” or “You might as well just give up.” These words mean something to children coming from the closest people in their lives: their parents.
One thing that happens to children after they have been abused is that they end up doing the same thing to their children. They end up making the same mistake their parents make since they had nobody point them in the right direction. The abuse has many effects on children and they make them follow their parents’ paths. They make the same choices and they pass it on. It’s like a virus that spreads from one generation to another.